2020년도 수능영어 30번 예상문제
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30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Jerome Singer, a legendary cognitive psychologist, was the first scientist to suggest that the mental state in which the mind is allowed to wander freely is, in fact, our “default” state. Singer further argued in his 1966 book, Daydreaming, that daydreaming, imagination, and fantasy are ①essential elements of a healthy mental life. These elements include self-awareness, creative incubation, autobiographical planning, consideration of the meaning of events and interactions, ②ignoring another person’s perspective, reflecting on your own and others’ emotions, and moral reasoning. All of this leads to what we think of as “aha!” moments. The musician, bestselling writer, and neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin emphasizes that insights are far more likely to ③come when you are in the mind-wandering mode than in the task-focused mode. It is only when we let our minds wander that we make ④unexpected connections between things that we did not realize were connected. This can help you solve problems that previously seemed to be ⑤unsolvable. *default state 기본 상태 **incubation 숙고
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