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1. We now take this for grant when we play from notation and sight-read through unfamiliar music, but it was a remarkable innovation in the fourteenth century.
2. Learning a certain concept such as “molecules” requires more than just a single e_______ to the idea.
3. In this modern world, people are not used to living with comfort. We expect immediate results and satisfaction.
4. It must be emphasized, however, that tradition was not s_______, but constantly subject to minute variations appropriate to people and their circumstances.
5. He was among the pioneers in the use of aluminum for furniture, and his contribution included improvements and patents to (facilitate / undermine) mass production.
6. Newton, for example, imagined that masses affect each other by exert a force, while in Einstein’s theory the effects occur through a bending of space and time and there is no concept of gravity as a force.
7. In short, it seems that we are p_______ to adjust our messages to our listeners, and, having done so, to believe the altered message.
8. Despite thinking that we would like the freedom to change our minds, it appears that we are happier with our choices if we think they can’t be changed, which means we would be better off if we made romantic commitments more (permanent / permanently) and more difficult to break, rather than less.
9. Such primitive societies, as Steven Mithen emphasizes in The Prehistory of the Modern Mind, tend to view man and beast, animal and plant, organic and inorganic spheres, as participants in an integrate, animated totality.
10. Brains are behavioural organs, and behavioural adaptation, being immediate
and non-random, is (vastly / subtly) more efficient than genetic adaptation.
11. At times, particularly in very complex situations, the processes of advocacy and mediation can o_______, perhaps with very problematic results, as one loses clarity over his or her role.
12. At the same time, they and the Egyptians became experts at e_______izing information, inventing the modern library, a grand storehouse for e_______ized knowledge.
13. In 1200, the Olmecs was at the peak of its strength, the most advanced culture in North America. It d_______ the Southeast until the Europeans began
arriving in the sixteenth century and took over the land.
14. In much of social science, evidence is used only to affirm a particular theory ― to search for the positive instances that uphold it. But these are easy to find and lead to the familiar d_______ in the social sciences where we have two conflicting theories, each of which can claim positive empirical evidence in its support but which come to opposite conclusions.
15. Because millions of chaotic events occur more or less (simultaneous /simultaneously), the statistical law of chance teaches us that the effects of these cancel out each other. Thus, we can have a trend of approximately regular and predictable behavior.
16. Once a hand or gripper has been directed to an object by reaching, it can be g_______ed. G_______ing requires that fingers hold an object securely.
17. Cattle were d_______ both for meat and skin and as work animals for
18. They avoid, whenever possible, situations that may bring about physical deprive, including pain, hunger, and a need for sleep.
19. Einstein wanted to illuminate the workings of the universe with a (clarity/ vagueness) never before achieved, allowing us all to stand in awe of its sheer beauty and elegance.
20. Researchers have suggested that maintaining good social relations depends on two complement processes: being sensitive to the needs of others and being motivated to make amends or pay compensation when a violation does occur.
21. Then, after 4—6 months, a new product is coincidence launched that contains the ingredient that has been discussed in previous issues.
22. The woolly mammoth’s thick fur coat is a textbook example of evolution and natural selection. Over the course of about 150,000 years, the mammoth had evolved this iconic feature in order to w_______ the freezing climate of its sub-arctic habitat.
23. Humor reframes potentially divisive events into merely “laughable” ones which are put in perspective as helpful to (unifying / disintegrating) values held by organization members.
24. Space that was constructed to accommodate business and consumer needs at the peak of the cycle remains, so vacant rates climb and the downward trend becomes more severe.
25. The boundaries among business units were (deliberate / deliberately) ambiguous because more than technical information was needed to get a feeling for the problem.
26. If your commitment becomes weak, remember your dream and why it is important to you, find simple joys in your daily pursuits, rejoice in the little victories or small steps forward, and e_______ the process of ongoing learning
27. An overweight teen may eat (greedily / moderately) while around his friends but then devour huge portions when alone.
28. As an example, in Kenya, farmers are actively encouraged to grow export crops such as tea and coffee at the expense of basic food production. The result is that a s_______ crop, such as maize, is not being produced in a sufficient amount.
29. Back in the 1870’s, Sholes & Co., a leading manufacturer of typewriters at the time, received many (complaints / compliments) from users about typewriter keys sticking together if the operator went too fast.
30. Wood is a material that is widely acknowledged to be environmentally friendly. It has been welcome as an alter material for a long time in building houses instead of cement or bricks.
31. Clients send a steady stream of clues and messages through their facial __EXPRESSION__, body movement, and voice pitch. Counselors need to learn how to read these messages without distort or overinterpreting them in order to establish and maintain relationships with their clients.
32. Work assignments, the number of machines, and production rates are c_______ so that all operations performed along this work successfully together. All movement of product parts on this is simplified, with no crossing over, backtracking, or repetition.
33. Feedback is usually most (effective / ineffective) when you offer it at the earliest opportunity, particularly if your objective is to teach someone a skill.
34. Larger groups also put more pressure on their members to (conform/ disobey). In such groups, it is harder for everyone to take part equally in effectivediscussions or to have the same amount of influence on decisions.
35. A_______ areprotective proteins produced by your immune system. They attach to antigens (foreign substances) — such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and toxins — and remove them from your body.
36. Two forces acting on an object from opposite directionsc_______ each other. If two people push a large rock from opposite sides, it will move in the direction of the stronger push.
37. Oceanic birds fly for days at a time without land to serve as a reference point, yet they seem to be able to perfectly navigate and know where they are. The assumption is that they use the stars and a(n)(inborn / learned) magnetic sense to guide them toward their destinations.
38. The idea of procuring fresh water from an iceberg is not being considered quite seriously by many nations. This is especially true since scientists have warned that the current human population will o_______ its fresh water supply before long.
39. The sense of hearing gives us a remarkable connection with the invisible,
underlie order of things. Through our ears we gain access to vibration, which underlie everything around us.
40. In much of social science, evidence is used only to a_______ a particular theory ― to search for the positive instances that uphold it.
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